Eckersley Shakespeare Trust

Geometrical Play Figures

"...we are dealing at present with poetic time, which might have its own inner laws. Let us simply suppose then that the time-track of a play could be represented as a curve. We must ask next: what manner of curve?"

Excerpt from 'Finding and Constructing the Figure for a Shakespeare Play' Read the complete article to identify and understand how Play-Figures may be constructed.

Finding and Constructing the Figure for a Shakespeare Play

The Tempest

Eckersley Shakespeare Trust

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Eckersley Shakespeare Trust

Merchant of Venice

Eckersley Shakespeare Trust

Romeo and Juliet

Eckersley Shakespeare Trust


Eckersley Shakespeare Trust


Eckersley Shakespeare Trust

King Lear

Eckersley Shakespeare Trust


Eckersley Shakespeare Trust

A Winter's Tale

Eckersley Shakespeare Trust