Eckersley Shakespeare Trust

King Lear

Numbered Text

Click the link King Lear Numbered Text to view the numbered text.

To learn more about the numbering process and how to use the numbered text read the Introduction to Numbered First Folio Texts here.


King Lear Notes, June 26, 1991

Notes On

The Story of Lear

King Lear notes November 25th to December 26th, 1991

Deducing the Figure from Basic Numbers November 8th, 1991

Letters About

Letters written by Sylvia Eckersley to Dan Skinner of Rose Theatre Company . Made originally in written/note form and later modified in an audio tape. The typed audio tape versions are here presented in full.

A draft letter to Dan Skinner of the Ambrose or Rose Theatre Company. Circa 1991. ed.

A draft letter, Wednesday, June 12th, (1991 ed.) to Saturday, June 22nd, (1991ed.)

King Lear tape 2 – Regarding how to lift the drama into light and about the geography of the play.

A draft letter, Sunday 12th May 1991

Geometrical Play Figure

“…we are dealing at present with poetic time, which might have its own inner laws. Let us simply suppose then that the time-track of a play could be represented as a curve. We must ask next: what manner of curve?”

Excerpt from Finding and Constructing the ‘Figure’ for a Shakespeare Play read the complete article to identify and understand the construction of Play-Figures.

Eckersley Shakespeare Trust
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Eckersley Shakespeare Trust